Shea Butter

Rs. 52.00

The Shea Tree or sometimes Sheanut Tree grows solitary in hot, dry regions and has several thick branches jutting from its main trunk. These branches sprout loads of bright, green leaves, flowers and nuts. The Shea Tree is a bit of wonder in Ghana and other African nations for all of its amazing nutrition and medicinal use.

The Shea Tree has leaves that make concoctions to heal a number of ailments, including headaches and stomachaches. Some cultures even believe they have a spiritual significance and hang them over the doorway of a room where a child is being born or lay them over the coffins of the dead. The bark and the root are medicinal as well and can treat many sicknesses by being taken orally. The fruit of the tree's nut is very sweet and extremely nutritious. Of course, most well known in this country is the fact that the nut is used in the production of shea butter, a skin remedy for its native inhabitants and across the world.